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What is In Home Usage Testing (iHUT)? Understanding Consumer Behaviour and Product Experiences

In today's fast-paced and competitive market, understanding consumer behaviour and product experiences is crucial for any business striving for success. One powerful research methodology that continues to play an integral role in this pursuit is the In-Home Usage Test (iHUT).

By providing an authentic environment for consumers to test products, iHUTs offer a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into consumer behaviour and preferences. In this blog, we will explore the significance of iHUT projects, focusing on how video-based research platforms have revolutionised this approach and discuss the various benefits of incorporating iHUTs into marketing strategies.

What is an In-Home Usage Test (iHUT)?

An In-Home Usage Test (iHUT) is a research methodology designed to evaluate a product's performance and gather consumer feedback in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes. Unlike traditional product testing methods that take place in controlled environments, such as laboratories or focus group facilities, iHUTs replicate real-life scenarios where consumers use the product as they would in their daily lives.

During an iHUT, participants are typically provided with the product to use for a specified period, ranging from a few days to several weeks. They are instructed to incorporate the product into their regular routines and provide feedback on their experiences through surveys, interviews, and, increasingly, through the use of video-based research platforms.

The goal of an iHUT is to gather authentic insights into how consumers interact with a product in their natural environments. This approach allows researchers to observe usage patterns, identify strengths and weaknesses, and gain a deeper understanding of the product's impact on consumers' lives.

The Role of Video in an iHUT

Video has become an indispensable tool in consumer research, enabling businesses to capture a wealth of valuable insights. In iHUT projects, the use of video - such as video surveys and video diaries - has emerged as a game-changer, allowing researchers to observe and analyse consumer behaviour in real-life settings. By incorporating video-based research platforms, iHUTs provide a unique window into consumers' lives, enabling researchers to understand the context in which products are used, identify usage patterns, and uncover hidden nuances.

Research participants may be asked to document specific tasks, demonstrate how they interact with the product, or share their thoughts and opinions about its features. Video documentation provides a rich source of qualitative data, allowing researchers to observe facial expressions, gestures, and non-verbal cues that can provide deeper insights into user experiences. In addition, a variety of tasks and objectives can be incorporated into one iHUT project, including, but not limited to the following:

Usage Diary

Participants may be asked to maintain a usage diary, recording details such as the date and time of product usage, the duration of use, and any specific observations or feedback related to their experience. This diary helps researchers understand usage patterns and uncover insights about the frequency and context of product use.

Product Testing

Participants may be assigned specific tasks or scenarios to test a product in different contexts. For example, they might be asked to use the product in the morning routine, during specific activities, or alongside other related products. This hands-on testing helps researchers understand how the product fits into participants' lifestyles and how it performs under real-life conditions.

Comparative Assessments

Participants may be asked to compare the tested product with similar products they have used in the past. This comparative evaluation can provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the tested product and its competitive positioning in the market.

By incorporating a combination of these tasks, iHUT projects aim to gather comprehensive data and capture a holistic understanding of consumers' experiences, preferences, and perceptions related to the tested product.

What are the Benefits of an iHUT?

  • Gathering Authentic Customer Feedback

An iHUT can provide businesses with a unique opportunity to gather authentic customer feedback by bridging the gap between the brand and the customer. By bringing the testing process directly into consumers' homes, iHUTs create an environment where participants can provide firsthand knowledge of their experiences with the products.

  • Building an Understanding of Customer Segments

iHUTs provide a valuable platform for segmenting customers based on their preferences, behaviours, and usage patterns. By analysing data collected from diverse participants, businesses can identify distinct customer segments and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly. This segmentation allows for personalised messaging, product positioning, and targeting, maximising the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

  • Identifying Contextual Insights

Understanding how, when, and where consumers use products is crucial for developing effective marketing strategies. iHUT projects allow researchers to capture contextual insights that traditional laboratory tests often miss. By observing consumers in their own environments, businesses can uncover valuable information about usage occasions, usage frequency, and the role products play in consumers' daily lives. This knowledge empowers businesses to design products and marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers' real-world experiences.

  • Brings the Voice of the Customer to Life

Incorporating videos as a means for research participants to document and record their experiences with a product adds a powerful human element to the data. Video testimonials allow businesses to see and hear firsthand accounts of consumers' thoughts, emotions, and reactions. This authentic representation of the customer's perspective brings valuable insights to life, enabling businesses to better empathise with their target audience and make data-driven decisions.

Enhancing iHUT with a Multi-Method Research Approach

Integrating iHUT into a Broader Research Strategy

In-Home Usage Testing (iHUT) has proven to be a powerful tool in understanding consumer behaviour and product experiences. However, its potential is significantly amplified when integrated into a multi-method research approach. By combining iHUT with other research methodologies, brands can not only capture real-time product experiences but also delve deeper into consumer insights through follow-up interviews and focus groups.

Leveraging iHUT Insights in Subsequent Research

The richness of data captured through iHUT, particularly with video uploads from participants, lays a solid foundation for more in-depth explorations. Researchers can use these initial insights to inform and guide subsequent interviews and focus groups, diving deeper into specific areas of interest or exploring emerging themes. This approach allows brands to move beyond surface-level observations to uncover more profound consumer preferences and behaviours.

How Indeemo Can Help: Video Import Capability

Indeemo’s recent introduction of the video import capability marks a significant advancement in this integrated research approach. Researchers can now seamlessly upload, transcribe, and store data from follow-up interviews and focus groups alongside iHUT video uploads on the Indeemo platform. This unified storage solution not only simplifies data management but also ensures that all insights – from initial product testing to detailed discussions – are accessible in one place.

Data Analysis with Indeemo’s Generative AI Research Assistant

The true power of combining iHUT with other research methods is realised in the analysis phase. Indeemo’s generative AI research assistant enables brands to analyze data from various sources cohesively. Whether it's transcribed interviews, focus group discussions, or video diaries from iHUT, the AI assistant can perform complex analyses, such as sentiment analysis, thematic breakdowns, and quote extraction. This level of analysis helps researchers to identify patterns and correlations across different data sets, providing a comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior and product experiences.

In-Home Usage Test (iHUT) projects continue to be an invaluable tool for understanding consumer behaviour and product experiences. By adopting video-based research platforms, iHUTs offer businesses unprecedented access to authentic consumer insights. Through iHUTs, companies can get closer to their customers, build a deeper understanding of customer segments, identify contextual insights, and bring the voice of the customer to life.

As technology continues to evolve, iHUTs will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of marketing research, empowering businesses to make informed decisions and create products that resonate with consumers on a profound level.

Our platform supports iHUTs

Our human factors research tools have supported hundreds of human factors research projects covering everything from medical devices to voice assisted technologies to smart home systems.

If you’d like to discuss a specific human factors research method or are just curious to learn more, get in touch now.

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