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Our client was an ethnographic research agency, focussed on gaining insights into consumer behaviour in the FMCG industry. Being established in their field, they were aware that mobile ethnography was a useful tool for them in accessing hard-to-reach consumers in social settings.
Our client was approached by an alcohol brand that wanted to get to the bottom of their consumers behaviours and attitudes with regards to the alcoholic beverage consumptions in social settings.
Whilst the brand was aware of who their targets were based upon their previous research, they had come to realise that they didn’t know much more about their customers.
They knew that they would need to conduct some quantitative research to understand motivations and behaviours. Traditional methods of quantitative research could give some insight into the consumers, but it didn’t account for the more subtle influences that were so key to understanding alcohol consumption.
Our clients objectives were to:
Understand how different beverage occasions can influence the decision-making process of alcohol consumers
Understand the in the-moment behaviour consumers in different alcoholic beverage occasions
Gain an insight into the emotions, influences and communications that play a part in consumers alcohol consumption
16 Respondents
10 Tasks
2 Weeks
Tasking Strategy: Scheduled Tasking
Our client needed to go beyond observations and interviews to really understand the many facets of alcohol consumption. They realised that a mobile-ethnography platform offered the best way into these consumers lives in order to get in-context, authentic insights.
We worked with our client and decided to use a week-long diary study as the window into alcohol consumers worlds. The project would require 10 respondents to complete 5 tasks each over the course of a week, as they panned a night out in advance of a weekend during the holidays season. To further understand how different beverage occasions motivated consumers alcohol choices consumer-decisions, our client used Indeemo to create 2 separate target groups of consumer; those who were planning a ‘big-night-out’ vs. those who were planning a more refined ‘catch-up-with-friends-night-out’.
By engaging each respondent in the full week leading up to the night out, our client was able to get a real-life insight into their feelings, emotions and motivations. On the night-out itself, our client was then able to task respondents with diarying their in-the-moment experiences in a series of video, photos and captions. This allowed our client to see exactly how respondents pre-event feelings and emotions correlated with the real-life experience on their night out.
Ordinarily, many of the respondents would have documented their night out with friends using a platform like Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. Because the indeemo app mirrors an intuitive social-media platform (that’s our heritage!), the insights gained were real, authentic and reflective of the respondents natural night-out behaviours and emotions.
If your looking to understand more about how a alcohol brand can use a mobile diary-study to understand their beverage-occasions, please get in touch using the form below.
Autoethnography: A Scalable, Cost-Efficient, and Multi-Media Solution for Capturing Shopper's Point-of-Purchase Decisions in Real-Time.
Learn how Indeemo can support your research projects and generate rich, contextual insights that help you better understand your target audience and build empathy across your entire organisation.