What you can use our Discovery Research tools for


Generative / Foundational Research

Get a deeper understanding of people’s behaviours, needs, motivations and experiences via Generative and Foundational research.

Diary Studies / User Diaries

Longitudinal Diary Studies help you capture always-on, in-the-moment video insights over a period of days, weeks or even months.

Usability & Product Testing

Capture rich omni-context experiences with video and Mobile Screen Recording that show you exactly how users interact with your products and services.


How our Discovery Research tools work

Recruit quality Participants in hours from an international panel of 3 million+ Participants (or bring your own).

Do in-the-moment research in 25 languages and understand people’s needs, problems and experiences.

Leverage our Generative AI powered Researcher dashboard to surface rich, reliable insights, fast.


Surface unmet needs with our Mobile App

  • Our Discovery Research app helps you understand both your user and their interactions.

  • Get a media rich, immersive understanding of your user personas.

  • Research what they do, where and when they do it and how it makes them feel.

  • Deepen your team’s user empathy as daily rituals and routines start to emerge.


Automatically map user journeys

Our exploratory User Journey Mapping tool enables you to get beyond post rationalised CSAT and NPS scores and capture in-the moment, video proof of what of your their real life User Experience is really like.

Users quantify their real world feelings, emotions or experiences using 5 point scales (with or without emojis).

We automatically plot the in-the-moment highs and lows of their User Journey on our interactive dashboard.

You can see instantly why a particular user experience is positive or negative and why.


Probe experiences in-the-moment

  • Remotely interact with users using comments and push notifications.

  • Probe and question user experiences, behaviours, habits, and opinions.

  • Build rapport and elicit authentic and genuine responses.

  • Push notification reminders maximise user research participant engagement.


Do unmoderated usability testing anywhere

  • Get a richer understanding of smartphone behaviours and user experiences.

  • Witness exactly how users interact with any Website or App.

  • Hear their voices as they narrate what they are doing and feeling.

  • Ideal for user experience research, unmoderated usability testing or Path to Purchase research.


Import and analyse Interviews and Focus Groups

  • Import interviews, focus groups or usability tests from Zoom, Microsoft Teams or your PC.

  • Transcribe them in over 20 languages in minutes.

  • Analyse hours of video in minutes using powerful Generative AI prompts.



Analyse faster: our Generative AI powered Research Repository

User experiences are seamlessly uploaded to our Exploratory Research dashboard for analysis and moderation.

Flexible roles and permissions ensure user empathy is quickly developed across the entire team.

Analyse hours of content in minutes with automated video transcription and Generative AI Prompts.



Indeemo - Success Stories



Stay compliant with Enterprise Validated Information Security

Our top priority is to always give you and your discovery research participants a safe, private space to remotely connect and better understand what really matters. Our information security has been independently vetted by some of the world’s largest consultancies, healthcare providers and brands.


GDPR Compliant

ISO 27001 certified

Enterprise Ready

HIPAA Compliant



Get in touch: let us support your UX Research

Indeemo is used by Experience Designers and User Researchers for user diaries exploratory user research studies ranging from understanding how people shop online to recording how business people book taxis at an airport to understanding out of the box experiences to observing how consumers shop for snacks at convenience stores.

Our UX Research and Experience Design clients consistently remark on the richness and depth of insights that they can capture using User Diaries.

The ability to seamlessly analyse contextual video from multiple respondents on a single dashboard can significantly improve the efficiency at which researchers can analyse and synthesise this behavioural data.

If you’re interested in discussing an upcoming research or design project, please submit your details here and we will get back to you ASAP.

We’re looking forward to speaking with you.

Indeemo processes your personal data in order to respond to your query and provide you with information about our products and services. Please see our Privacy Statement for further information.



Want to learn more about our UX Research platform?

New to to using digital tools for exploratory research?

Need more detailed information about how our platform works and how research projects are activated?



Other User Research / UX Research methods our tool supports

New to Discovery Research and need more information on how you can leverage it as part of your research toolkit? Click on one of the following to learn more about the other discovery research methodologies that you can undertake using our research platform.



Download our guide: Mobile Ethnography for User Research and UX Design

In our short white paper you will learn how those working in User Research, UX and Experience Design can gain rich insights into the behaviour of their users using remote mobile ethnography applications like Indeemo



Use Cases for Discovery Research


Unmoderated Usability Tests

The process of securing employment in current times is done almost completely online and increasingly on mobile. Job seekers begin their search…

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Exploring Voice Assistants

When music discovery and consumption is increasingly powered by voice assisted technologies, the old rules of engagement no longer apply…

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Internet of things research

As technology becomes evermore powerful and intuitive, it is playing an increasingly large part in how we manage our homes. One area of the…

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Gamer Behaviour

Far from the humble beginnings of Nintendo, gaming in the 21st century has grown to be one of the most immersive experiential…

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Mobile Ethnography White Paper

Learn how Mobile Ethnography can supplement your research projects and generate richer contextual insights for your brands.

indeemo white paper